Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

I Bookmark my favorite page

With the growth of social networking sites, your favorite web pages are no longer confined to your browser's bookmarks. Sites such as allow you to share your favorite web content and encourage other Digg members to vote on its merit. is popular because it allows you to keep all of your favorite bookmarks online, share them with others, and tag them with keywords that match the content of the page. For example, you might add to your account and tag it with the words "computer","desktop","customer service",or even "blondelle".

Social Media Changed the Rules

Everyone is a publisher in the social media world of blogs, wikis, photos and video sharing, forums, and networks for meeting like-minded people. Social media are online tools and platforms that allow internet users to collaborate on content, share insights and experiences, and connect for business or pleasure. And we believe what we read from strangers in the social media: some 52% of survey respondents from developed nations said they find " a person like yourself" to provide the most credible information – equal only to the trust in doctors, and much higher than that from your CEO or company spokesperson (according to PR firm Edelman).